El Estado Islámico ejecuta y crucifica a presuntos espías ante la mirada de niños

Islamic State has publicly executed two alleged spies and mercilessly crucified another to a road sign in the Syrian city of Al-Bab.
Images have emerged showing two men - bound and dressed in orange jumpsuits - kneeling on the ground as hundreds of jeering insurgents surround them.
Masked men dressed in black have their weapons trained on the captives, while young boys force their way through the crowd to catch a glimpse of the helpless men.
Another picture shows a deceased man hanging from a post with a sign hanging around his neck. The onlookers in the photograph seem unphased by the man's limp, crucified body.
On Thursday, the extremist group announced it was holding an Israeli-Arab who posed as foreign a fighter to spy for the country's intelligence agency, Mossad.
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Helpless: Islamic State has reportedly executed two alleged spies in the Syrian city of Al-Bab
Helpless: Islamic State has reportedly executed two alleged spies in the Syrian city of Al-Bab
Crucified: One of the men's dead bodies was tied to a post, with a message hung around his neck
Crucified: One of the men's dead bodies was tied to a post, with a message hung around his neck
Public killing: One picture seems to show a crowd of hundreds gathering for what could be the execution
Public killing: One picture seems to show a crowd of hundreds gathering for what could be the execution
Muhammad Musallam, 19, was quoted in Islamic State's online magazine Dabiq saying he joined the insurgents in Syria to report information about their weapons cashes, bases and recruits back to Israel.
It claims he said: 'I say to all those who want to spy on the Islamic State, don't think that you're so smart and that you can deceive the Islamic State. You won't succeed at all.
'Stay away from this path. Stay away from helping the Jews and the murtaddin [apostates]. Follow the right path.'
His cover was blown when he phoned his father back in East Jerusalem, Dabiq claimed.

The Israeli government has denied he was working for them as a spy. So has his father Said who claims he was kidnapped after travelling to Turkey as a tourist.
Muhammad phoned home to say he had been abducted to neighbouring Syria and could not find a way to escape, his father said.
Said Musallam claims his son needed '$200 or $300' before they would release him. 
But before he could send the money, another man phoned to tell him Muhammad had escaped his captors and was seized by Islamic State.
Surrounded: Hundreds of masked and armed men encircle the helpless captives, while young men look on
Surrounded: Hundreds of masked and armed men encircle the helpless captives, while young men look on
Cruelty: Men believed to be IS fighters and sympathisers seem to celebrate the kidnapped men's deaths
Cruelty: Men believed to be IS fighters and sympathisers seem to celebrate the kidnapped men's deaths
An Israeli security official said Mr Musallam travelled to Turkey on October 24 to fight alongside Islamic State soldiers in Syria.
He said: 'He went on his own initiative, without his family's knowledge.' 
Asked whether his statement constituted a denial that Musallam was an Israeli spy, the official replied: 'You can understand it that way, yes.'
Ayoob Kara - an Israeli politician and former army officer close to Prime Minister Benjamin Netenyahu - said he was unaware of Musallam's case and did not believe he was a spy.
He claims several Arab men cross the boarder to aid refugees only to be kidnapped and exploited by Islamic State.
Kidnapped: On Thursday, ISIS announced they are holding another man believed to be an Israeli spy but Muhammad Musallam's father Said (pictured) denied those allegations
Kidnapped: On Thursday, ISIS announced they are holding another man believed to be an Israeli spy but Muhammad Musallam's father Said (pictured) denied those allegations
Israel has recently intensified its monitoring of would-be volunteers who might cross the border to join Islamic State and return to the country as battle-hardened extremists. Turkey is a popular holiday destination for Israeli-Arabs. 
In November, the country jailed an Arab citizen who returned from Syria voluntarily having spent three months there with Islamic State.
In the first conviction of its kind, Ahmed Shurbaji was imprisoned for 22 months on the condition he cooperated with security services. 
A source from Israel's internal security agency Shin Bet said Israeli-Arabs returning from Syria were routinely questioned for intelligence on jihadist groups. 
Footage released yesterday showed Kurdish fighters dressed in orange jumpsuits being paraded through the streets by jeering IS militants.
Surrounded: A terrified Kurdish prisoner looks out from his cage at a mob of jeering militants in the horrific scene
Surrounded: A terrified Kurdish prisoner looks out from his cage at a mob of jeering militants in the horrific scene
Humiliation: Each prisoner was accompanied by black clad and flag waving jihadis, some armed with AK-47s
Humiliation: Each prisoner was accompanied by black clad and flag waving jihadis, some armed with AK-47s
Posts on social media implied the men - shackled in cages - would suffer the same fate as a captured Jordanian pilot who was burned alive by the extremists.
The grim procession apparently took place through Kirkuk in North-west Iraq - an oil rich Kurdish stronghold where ISIS now has a presence after mounting repeated attacks in recent weeks. 
In the nearly four minute long video, 17 of the Iraqi-Kurdistan soldiers are driven one by one on the backs of white pick-up trucks with ISIS flag-waving militants toting AK-47s accompanying each prisoner.
At the end of the clip the long line of cages can be seen retreating into the sunset over the heads of massed crowds of militants.

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